How to switch departments in your company

This article will provide an easy guide into how you can successfully switch careers within your company and features a case study on a team member in Brass who switched from working as a business development manager to becoming a product manager.

How to switch departments in your company


Switching departments or teams within your company can be an exciting opportunity to explore new challenges, expand your skill set, and advance your career. From customer support to product, operations to communications, and finance to design, all transitions require careful planning and strategy. Switching departments often means job roles have to change. A change or expansion of roles can be a very exciting career move, but if not executed properly, may have its own challenges.

This article will provide an easy guide into how you can successfully switch careers within your company and features a case study on a team member in Brass who switched from working as a business development manager to becoming a product manager.

Before making the switch

Determine your why

Determining why you want to change is the first step to changing your career. Common reasons people give are:

  • A change in interest.
  • A need for an increase in salary.
  • A need for growth in their current job role.

Reflect on your career aspirations, interests, strengths and weaknesses. Consider the skills you want to develop and the role that aligns with your long-term goals. Changing careers is a long-term commitment. You need to decide early on if you are ready to do the work.

Understand your new role

Once you are sure you are ready to make the switch, spend time researching the role. Learn about the skills required and educational qualifications needed. Reach out to your colleagues and supervisors in the department you are interested in. If you need to take courses to up-skill, learn about what you need to take these courses.

Communicate with your line manager

Open communication with your current supervisor is vital during the department switch process. Explain your career aspirations and desire to explore new opportunities within the organisation. Share your aspirations and discuss a realistic timeline for the transition, such as six months or one year. Discuss how your current projects and responsibilities can be effectively handed over to ensure a smooth transition for your team. Your line manager can also guide you in achieving your goals. If you work in a large corporation, your manager can help speak to the head of the new team you want to transition to and the employee experience team to ensure a smooth transition process.


To bridge any skill gaps and demonstrate your commitment to the new department, pursue opportunities for continual learning. Take advantage of free online courses, and read academic journals, blogs, and articles related to the field. Once you’ve completed this, go one step further to expand your knowledge base by taking certification examinations and earning a mini-degree.

Making the switch

Follow Industry Professionals

To further enhance your knowledge and understanding, identify professionals already working in the department you’d like to switch to. Use platforms like LinkedIn to find individuals in similar roles and explore their educational background, courses they took, and the organisations they have worked for. Engage with their content and participate in relevant industry communities to establish connections and gain exposure.

Seek Mentors

Mentors play a crucial role in career development. Look for individuals within your organisation or industry with experience in your new department. They can guide and help you navigate the challenges of transitioning to a new department. Building strong mentor relationships can significantly enhance your chances of success and accelerate your learning curve.

Case Study: Temitayo’s Successful Transition at Brass

Joining Brass as a Business Development Associate, Temitayo Ajolopo began her transition into Product Management just six months into her role after a conversation with the CEO, where he expressed his interest in her spearheading the development and management of a new product- Brass Launchpad. Brass Launchpad helps entrepreneurs move from having a business idea to starting their business with the necessary tools, resources, community and partnerships. This was timely and a good fit for Temitayo as she had just finished a product certification shortly before joining Brass and had over three years experience working with small business owners.

The support from the CEO and the exceptional people at Brass, including the CTO, former team lead, and new team lead, helped her navigate challenges and grow professionally. Utilising Brass’s education grant of 250$ per quarter for each employee, she further enhanced her skills and knowledge in product management, contributing to her successful transition.


Switching departments within your company requires careful planning, research, and continuous learning. You can increase your chances of a successful transition by gaining knowledge about the desired role, following industry professionals, communicating with your line manager, and seeking mentors. Remember, a supportive organisational culture, can significantly contribute to your career growth and facilitate your departmental switch.

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